In July 2013, I started building my first trailer with no experience. I learned about electrical work, plumbing, and carpentry by watching YouTube videos and learning as I went along. On a budget if $6k , I was able to find a single wheel 6x10 trailer for $2k , and use the rest of the money to do this build. A very small budget for this build, but attainable, as I already had a Honda Generator at the time, which would have ended up costing me another $5k.

With this build I learned that Formica walls clean easy, but install or repair of such can be quite the task itself, not to mention the material is not strong enough to stand on its own, so you need to add plywood or steel walls for it to stick on. Because the whole build was on a very small budget, and the lack of experience, this build did not look perfect, but rather very simple. however as a starter trailer at the time, it held up well and gave me a good couple years of service.


First Van Build