Frequently asked questions.

Do you offer Cat Services?

No. Unfortunately, providing cat grooming services poses a unique challenge for us. Grooming cats requires specialized equipment and trained staff who are knowledgeable in cat grooming techniques. Currently, we do not have the necessary grooming equipment or staff members with expertise in handling feline clients. As a result, we regretfully cannot offer cat grooming services at this time. However, rest assured that we are continuously exploring ways to expand our services and may consider adding cat grooming in the future.

Is there anyone you recommend for cats?

Yes, We recommend you try BPMOBILEGROOMING.COM for your cat services. Natalie is fantastic with cats and she will be more than happy to assist. Let her know we sent you!

Do you work with older dogs?

Yes. Working with older dogs requires a great deal of patience, time, and specialized handling techniques. At Paw Paws LLC, we understand the unique needs of senior canines and offer our services to them. However, due to their vulnerability, we must place certain restrictions on the services we provide. We prioritize their well-being and aim to prevent any unnecessary stress that may lead to seizures or heart attacks. Therefore, we carefully select the dogs we can work with based on their individual circumstances and age limitations. It's important to note that accommodating the specific needs of senior dogs may lead to slightly higher costs.

Do you offer additional Discounts?

No. Due to the continuously increasing cost of living and the significant price hikes that have been witnessed in recent years across various industries, regrettably, we find ourselves unable to offer any discounts at this time. It has become increasingly challenging for us to maintain our operational expenses while also striving to provide quality products and services to our valued customers. We understand the importance of affordability, and we are continuously exploring alternative means to alleviate the financial burden on our customers. Nonetheless, we assure you that we remain committed to offering competitive prices that correspond to the value and exceptional standards that we uphold at PawPaws LLC.

Do you work with aggressive dogs?

When it comes to working with dogs that show aggression, we approach each case with careful consideration. In certain circumstances, we do take on the challenge of grooming aggressive dogs. However, before making a decision, we carefully evaluate several factors that can greatly influence the outcome. First and foremost, we assess the level of aggression displayed by the dog. Is the aggression mild or severe? Does the dog exhibit clear signs that suggest an inclination to bite? Understanding the extent and nature of the aggression is crucial in determining our approach.
Moreover, we also take into account whether the dog displays aggression towards every aspect of the grooming process or only specific aspects. Some dogs may exhibit aggression only during specific stages, such as nail trimming or ear cleaning. This information helps us identify potential triggers and develop strategies to address them effectively.
Additionally, we consider the dog's willingness to cooperate and adapt. Can we gradually introduce the dog to the grooming process, using positive reinforcement and patience to build trust and ease their anxiety? By employing gentle techniques and providing a calm environment, we strive to help dogs gradually become more comfortable with grooming procedures.
Ultimately, the decision to work with aggressive dogs depends on a thorough assessment of these factors. Our priority is always the safety and well-being of both the dog and our groomers. If we believe that we can provide the necessary care and support, while ensuring a safe environment, we are committed to helping every dog, regardless of their level of aggression.

Are you hiring?

At Paw Paws LLC, we consistently strive to uncover individuals with incredible potential. If you boast a remarkable background in grooming and possess the qualities we ardently seek, your application will undoubtedly capture our attention. However, don't fret if you lack professional experience in this field. We highly value a positive attitude coupled with a natural affinity for learning and a burning passion for the industry. Such traits will undeniably put you on our radar for potential employment opportunities.