Are you a groomer? Have you thought about going mobile ? Are you looking to build the perfect grooming space for you?

  • It all begins with an idea, wanting to do your own business. But a more important question might be, What you want to have vs what can you afford to get. Building a grooming van or trailer will cost a substantial amount of money. The fancier you want it to be, the more it can cost. There is a whole list of questions you need to ask in order to decide what will work best for you.

  • The most accurate way to determine how long your project will take, is depending on availability of products. The most common time frames are usually between 6-9 weeks.

  • We can customize to fit your needs based on what you want to have in your build.

  • There is no magic number to accommodate everyone. The most accurate cost will be given based on your personal wants and needs. The simplest of rules, The more items installed + more time needed to build = more expensive. We have done projects for as low as $10k But the cost of goods has changed substantially since then.


Why Go mobile?

If you want to be your own boss, having the ability to finance a grooming van is really useful. Plus, if something goes wrong and you have to stop, you can sell the van, which you can't do with a rented shop. Being mobile lets you try different areas to find the customers you want, and you'll also get a break and enjoy the scenery and get some fresh air while driving between appointments.

What are some downsides?

Your grooming unit may be down for unexpected reasons, something as simple as a flat tire or an oil change, to something a lot more complicated, like engine issues and having to take the unit to the dealership.

You could also get sick and be out of commission for a while!

Lucky for you, planning ahead and being able to rent a unit from a local company like ourselves, can help keep you working while your unit is being fixed. If you have friends who are also mobile groomers, staying on good terms with them can help both of you when one of your grooming vehicles isn't working and you need to borrow their unit, or your sick and you want to make sure your clients get serviced by someone you trust. But we get it, you won’t always have a solution, luckily you are incharge of everything, so reaching out to your customers and explaining the situation, is not too difficult, specially if they know you work alone. Having to reschedule them sucks, but working a deal for them to wait and continue working with you is not the end of the world.

Do I need a generator?

First you will need to consider if your State’s regulations will allow you to have a generator. Sadly, some states like California have already promised to ban the sale of generators.

Second, your grooming units power source is something you really need to think about. Do you want a generator, or would you prefer to go all electric? Some things to consider with both paths.

Generators are tried and true in this industry, they are reliable in hot and cold climates, ( to a point) they have sufficient power for all your electric needs (so long as you get the right size) maintenance is easy to learn, and calculating power time is based on how much fuel you have, low on fuel, quickly refuel and you’re back to it.

Downsides, lots of maintenance, extra cost for fuel, downtime will depend on the quality of your mechanic, availability of parts. Noise created while in use, fumes. Can be expensive to replace if it fails.

What about electric? With the advancement of tech, this is thankfully a lot easier to achieve now. Having all the power available quickly is great, not producing fumes and lowering your overall noise footprint while working, also great. Almost no maintenance required, great.

What about the downsides? Well, for starters the biggest issue you’ll face is running out of power. There is no quick fix, if you don’t have power, you either need to have extra batteries ready to go, or park that van and wait for it to charge. Grooming units require a lot of power, and for a long time. So the more power needed, the more batteries, which brings us to cost.

Good batteries are going to be expensive. Cheap batteries can catch fire or even explode. Certain batteries don’t do well in extreme weather hot or cold. A well designed electrical system is very expensive, and diagnosing what the problem is, if something isn’t working, well it’s not an easy task. Wires everywhere! Finding an electrician or a mechanic that can work on these systems is equally hard. These systems also use many parts that may need to be replaced at some point. What happens if you can’t get the part, or they stopped making it because they have better stuff now? But don’t let any of this stop you.

A well built system is going to be very expensive upfront, but really good batteries have a lifetime of around 10 years, and if the company that designed your system can help you troubleshoot things over the phone, facetime or any other internet communication, Well, that will make things much easier. Us personally, will be making youtube videos to help you diagnose and repair it all, from home, on your own with basic tools.

Have you done an electric van?

I unfortunately have not had the privilege to build an all electric system, however I am working closely with another company who has been in the industry for many years and we are discussing exciting possibilities, so I can bring this system to you, So keep an eye out!